Peplum hem

Finely Chopped Pieces

Go and sin no more, I assure you that the streets of heaven will be paved with hot, fresh-out-of-the-bubbly pan, golden brown, crisp puff-puff.

Ok, I’ll come clean, my actual agenda at weddings is the finger food a.k.a. Small Chops (SC). No Sir, the rice-moinmoin-plantain-coleslaw-and-chicken combo just won’t cut it.  That’s my Sunday Lunch Holy Grail (SLHG) anyway, and I firmly believe that some things should be kept sacred.


See, I don’t have time for wedding reception waiters who ignore my meaningful stares, my gently raised eyebrows, pregnant with hints, and that subtle cock of my ‘Yellow Sisi’ head towards the (more…)