I live here

To live in Lagos is to know when to flaunt your body.  I will always be amused by the tales of Danfo bus drivers who resort to stripping naked to avoid being penalised by LASTMA officers after flouting traffic laws.  ♫ I’m sexy and I know it ♫

To live in Lagos is to know not to run when you hear shouts of olè, as you might get confused for the thief and receive fiery punishment for much more than restless legs.

I once heard a joke about a man who was running wildly, and as he raced along everyone who saw him joined him unquestioning.  When asked why they were running they’d simply point at him and say “Something must be chasing him, I don’t want it to catch me.”  To live in Lagos is to intuitively know what sort of race to join.

Lagos sewing notions

To live in Lagos is to accept that everyone owns you, people feel entitled to a piece of everyone else whether they like it or not. An unspoken communal ownership of human beings.  Lines as thin as the translucent strings seen when lifting amala from well-whipped ewedu stew separate your business from my business and our business.

To live in Lagos is to wear the armour of suspicion and the helmet of paranoia but still embrace your neighbours with an open heart.  It is wise to set out on a new journey armed with a detailed map of the route because asking for directions from passersby on the street might only yield blank stares or deaf ears, for to live in Lagos is to give trust sparingly and expect the extraordinary.

As a child, I recall the rumours of private parts disappearing following a response to a seemingly innocent “What is the time, please?”  Fact or fiction? Who knows, but to live in Lagos is to clutch your own privates or breasts or both, if your physical or mental hands can manage, whilst telling the time to a stranger if you insist on being so generous with your o-clocks.

Lagos sewing notions

I like to think that Lagosians sometimes look out for each other, how else do you explain the helpful arms that gravitate towards a broken-down car, assisting the owner to push it towards a mechanic.

A fortnight ago, a well dressed young man stopped in the middle of the road behind my house and cried out, clutching his head as if in pain. Suddenly, he became possessed by an urgent need to undress, it seemed his clothes burned his skin, then he stripped and began to run bare-buttocked.  His mind had gone with the exhaust smoke polluted wind.

A crowd raced after him, but not unquestioning, they felt obliged to extract him from the grasp of insanity. They captured him, subdued him until his mania subsided, then they dressed him in his clothes and took him home.  Your business is my business is our business.

Lagos sewing notions

To live in Lagos is to pick your battles wisely and to know when to let go.  When a careless driver hit my car from behind, I got out to declare my war with him.  A group of mediators appeared from nowhere, it’s almost as though they had a sixth sense for confrontation, like they sniffed it brewing and it pulled them with a magnetic force not unlike soldier ants migrating to grains of sugar.

Unsolicited, they started apologizing to me on his behalf.  One tried to wipe the scratch off my car with his handkerchief, another pushed the slightly dislodged bumper back into place.

The young man actually had the grace to smile sheepishly at me.  Case closed, it was simply another day in Lagos.

To live in Lagos is to know that you are not God.  If I had insisted on prolonging the battle, the pleading crowd would have instantly transformed me from aggrieved to aggriever with a dismissive “Sista e don do, na ordinary car.  You no be God”.  As if one needs to be reminded of their own mortality in Lagos.

Lagos sewing notions

This thrilling city of hurried hustlers,  if one can survive in Lagos, they can survive anywhere. Every inch throbs with the rhythm of resilience, the energy is quite infectious really, you’ll catch it like a bad cold if you have both a mission and vision.

To strive in Lagos is to never give up, seeing the funny side even in tiresome situations.  To thrive in Lagos is to blossom in a storm, selling matches profitably to the devil in hell.

My Lagos, best eaten with small, dainty bites.  I live here, I strive here, I thrive here.





PS: I originally wrote a portion of this post  in response to Jacqueline’s SWBA questions.


    1. Hi Sekoyin,

      It’s been a while, I trust that you are fine. 🙂

      Ah, if Lagos were a drink, it would be a shaken bottle of bubbly CocaCola.

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

      Best wishes!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi,

          I’ve been reading through my old posts and found some comments that I missed responding to.

          I’m so glad to hear about your sewing classes, it is a beautiful skill. 😀

          Happy New Year!

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol… Lagos and it endless stories, half of them seem unbelievable until one has first hand experience. 😀

      Thank you so much for visiting, enjoy the rest of the week.


  1. Lagos, my Lagos, how did I miss this post. You have outdone yourself on this post, well done. To live in Lagos is to be ever-ready like the proverbial boy scout, anything can happen anytime. If you survive in Lagos, you will thrive everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Naija mum,

      Thank you so much for your kind words, means a lot to me. 🙂

      Indeed, the unofficial Lagos motto is “Be prepared” You never know what to expect. Lol

      Warm regards.


    1. Hi Yvonne,

      Excellent observation, you are right, it reads like a poetic prose. 🙂

      Our wonderful Lagos, love it hate it. Lol

      Thank you so much for reading this.


  2. Lagos…. Love what you did with the erm haberdashery thats the correct term right? Lagos sounds like quite the interesting place,….. funny how if you changed a couple of things you could easily be describing where I call home….. if you can survive here you can thrive anywhere

    hahahaha aaaawe at the guy who tried to wipe away the scratch to the car with a handkerchief , heart definitely in right place though ☺☺☻

    best eaten with small, dainty bites. Thrive anyway ♥


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Mr. B, that is the correct term. Very very good!

      Lagos is very interesting, I believe most countries in this part of the world would have quite a bit in common, given our similar foundations.

      Lol…Yeah, I guess it was in the right place.

      #ThrivingAway. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You write amazingly well and you sew too??!!! Awesome. I think we need to meet sometime in the nearest future. I love the way you incorporate your sewing and inspiration into engaging and witty articles. its really beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi La,

      So nice of you to drop by. 🙂

      Lagos is like when you shake a bottle of fizzy drink before opening it, the drink erupts all over you and then you quench your thirst. Lol

      Thank you so much for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh My God, this was such an amazing and fun way to describe Lagos. It has only added to the list of reasons why i want to move there.
    People tell me it’s chaotic and that as a Mozambican i’m better off going to countries in Southern Africa, but quite frankly Lagos is calling my name.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi,

      Lagos is very interesting, a salad bowl of diverse pieces.

      I hope you blog about your first impression of the city when you visit. 🙂

      Thank you for reading. Enjoy the rest of the week.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Lmao!!!! Omg!! You won’t injure me with laughter o Nedoux!! Sister e don do, you no be god. Its like people just take things personal in Lagos and you’re so right. Very apt. I tell myself sometimes that Lagos shouldn’t be for me because I can’t cope with the stress, traffic, generator noise, queues etc and I need a place with the solitude and all of it that makes one human again and puts nature in its place. But babe, I lived there for more than 25 years, so I guess we are more similar than we believe. haha.

    I enjoyed reading this. Really did. Thanks for gracing the internet with your beautifully crafted words, your gracious blog and your beautiful pieces of fabric made by your beautiful self. It’s freeeeeesh air from the junk online. Creative and well written. xo!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Itunu,

      Thank you so much for all your lovely comments. 🙂

      Ah! Lagos palava, some days I think I can’t take any more and then the next day I am laughing about some real time comedy happening on the streets.

      I can tolerate the chaos most days, but I probably would not be so sentimentally attached if I wasn’t born and bred here. If one viewed the city with the unbiased eyes of an outsider, they’d conclude that it is full of irredeemable madness. Lol

      Enjoy the rest of the week.


  6. You write so beautifully.

    Reading your words took me back to the years I spent in Lagos before moving to the States. It brought back memories, good and bad. I miss Lagos. A lot goes on in Lagos, especially on the streets. I miss the smell and people. I’m sure a lot has changed since I’ve been home.

    Thanks for sharing your own view and experience of and in Lagos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Seun,

      Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. I am glad that this post resonated with you.

      Yes, a lot goes on in this city. Ah! The smells of Lagos deserve an entire post. 😀

      Have a lovely weekend.


  7. This is pretty perfect, and this is Lagos.

    The good, the bad, how it manages to be both.

    I love this place, but I realise that I would probably not be so attached if I wasn’t born here, if I did not grow up here. It’s crazy, and some days, it has made me cry. Two times, I’ve nearly fallen prey to shady people (con men or ritualists, I don’t know) that stopped me in the street. Last year, I was jumped by a fake LASTMA guy. It was only after he was gone with my money that I replayed the thing in my head and I wasn’t too mad. Stay woke or get obtained because this is Lagos.

    Lagos surprises me. Some stories are heartbreaking, and other times, when you expect the worst, people come through with so much love. A “possessed man” thought himself to be a snake in my area, and he wriggled through gutters, refusing to be stopped. When my dad told me, I was afraid for his life- like ah, did they lynch him? Beat him? But no, when he calmed down, someone washed him with a hose, and a neighbour gave him a change of clothes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved reading your comment, thank you so much for reading.

      Yes, this is Lagos, warts and all.

      I have shed real tears driving through Third Mainland Bridge traffic, there’s something so raw about frustration that makes one feel so helpless. XD

      Your story of the “possessed” man is so heartwarming. Yes, Lagosians surprise me with their compassion when I least expect it. I suppose it’s one of the things that I truly love about this city. The sense of community. One may seem lonely but they are never really alone.

      Have a lovely weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh My God, Preach Sister!!! Ah, born and bred there, I loved this. Ohh, the stories about the disappearing genitalia and the ones where if you pick up money from the ground, you turn into a yam :D. Loved reading this.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Lmao!!! I remember the yam story o. And there was one circulating one time that they would ask people to inhale perfume and you’ll just go and withdraw money from your account. Kai, I remember it now and I’m just laughing. You make me remember my childhood 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  9. I love this piece on Lagos! I lived in Lagos in early 1990s for almost two years, there I learned of different Nigeria – love the energy!

    It is incredible that despite all that is going on most people are eager to help, but I learned it takes one clear-headed person to lead…

    Insightful post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Folake,

      Thank you so much for reading.

      I like to think of Lagos as a two-sided coin, good side and the not-so-good side, with sharp edges that cut one’s fingers if held carelessly.

      Yes, the energy is simply wonderful. I love the sense of community too, but I’ve learned that some people slyly conceal their ulterior motives underneath kind gestures. Lol

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Awesomely crafted, as always.

    For the life of me, I can’t quite ‘get’ what people love about Lasgidi. I was reluctant to leave but when I did, there was no going back! My mum loves it; she says Abuja is too quiet for her liking. 😀

    Liked by 3 people

          1. Lol, I had to learn more about the routes when I started driving.

            I have 2 options when shopping for fabric and sewing notions:

            1. For a stress-free shopping experience, I’ll pick Tejuosho market in Yaba. The fabric section offers yummy choices, I once found faux leather there.

            2. For a stressful shopping experience, Idumota market on Lagos Island never disappoints. One can get lost in the crowd. 😀

            Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Lady,

      Thank you so much for reading.

      I guess you find ways to love something when you are pretty much stuck with it. A “Tough Love” of sorts. XD

      Ah! Abuja is like paradise in comparison, life there seems so easy going.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Uju,

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

      Yes, these are some of my experiences in this exciting city, I plan to do more posts of my Lagos tales. 🙂

      Enjoy the weekend!


  11. This piece brought back memories and this part stood out to me, “As if one needs to be reminded of their own mortality in Lagos.” Lol! You’ve captured some of the essence of this vibrant city.

    If you’re interested, there’s a project for writers to contribute articles about Lagos… send me an email and I’ll fill you in.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Timi,

      I am glad that this took you down memory lane. Thank you for reading.

      Abi ? It’s imprinted onto our subconscious. 😀

      Yes, I’d love to contribute, will send you an email.

      Enjoy the rest of the week.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Kai, you just transported me. I was right there with you about to declare war (they are mad in this Lagos) and looking on in shock at the man sprinting butt naked.
    I want to see this in the preface book, read at gatherings, at the beginning of a movie, it has to go places. I’ll share a link on my blog. Small space but if a few more people get to enjoy it I’ll be happy ☺

    Naija girl next door

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Doc.

      Honestly, “mad” aptly describes some of the irrational behaviour that one deals with daily on Lagos roads. I declare a fair amount of wars often, either inside my head or out loud. This city of ours toughens one. 😀

      Ah! You are so sweet, I sincerely appreciate your kind gesture.

      Thank you so much for stopping by and being transported.

      Have a lovely weekend.


  13. Well, it seems the only thing I can relate well to in this post is the translucent strings seen when lifting *garri from a well-whipped *okro soup 😂
    I feel like one of the hurried hustlers running along, trying to stay still at the shouts of òle, trying to decide if aunty sitting over there in her stall is the right one to get directions from with my private parts still intact ofcourse.
    Lagos intrigues me…I hope to one day have a physical feel of it.
    I enjoyed reading…you are such an amazing writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mizraph,

      Lol @ “garri from a well-whipped okro soup”

      I really enjoyed reading your comment, your imagination is so wonderful. 😀

      Lagos is interesting in every sense of the word. I would love to know your first impression of the city when you visit.

      Thank you so much for your kind words. Have a lovely weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Beautiful piece as usual. A danfo driver once broke my side mirror and I insisted on having it repaired. The sympathetic crowd suddenly turned antagonistic. They called me all sorts of name, wicked woman, u are not fit to be a mother. I almost felt like crying. But I stood my ground and seized his car keys. Thay was my only option because my inner mirror was already dislodged, and I had my baby in d car. How will I drive without a side mirror?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Mrs. Thrifty,

      I can imagine how annoying the experience would have been for you. Danfo drivers are sons of anarchy, they are so reckless, yet all they do is beg and prostrate when they damage cars. No hope for monetary compensation from them.

      Ah! Sometimes, Lagos roadside crowds only make matters worse, as if one can gather all their “sorry” inside a basket and present it with a big smile at the car repair workshop. 😀

      Thank you for stopping by. Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


  15. I like the bobbins spelling out G. Were all of them full? And I like your article. However, for years I hated Lagos. Not the traffic, I always had some distractions on hand, not the pace. It was a decision and I chose not to be part of it, but the sweat and the noise. It was/is noisy. There’s a party almost every night in the backyard, a mosque and a church and my neighbours baby squalling just when I felt myself drifting. I had headaches consistently and because I was surrounded by so much noise, my alarms would peal and vibrate and I’d sleep through it.
    But I’m coming to appreciate its charms. Still equipping myself with lots of distractions but I can say I’m making my peace with Lagos now.
    Thrive love. Thrive.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Uju,

      Thank you! Yes, all of them were full. Would you believe I bought a dozen for less than N 100.

      Ah! The Sights and Sounds and Smells of Lagos. There is a stench when one drives over Third Mainland Bridge. There is a religious place of worship on every street, some have as many as three. 😀

      You described it so vividly, I heard the squalling baby with my mental ears.

      Eventually, one who’s determined to accept Lagos for what it is will learn to make their peace with the city. One finds coping mechanisms until, quite disturbingly, the insanity starts to seem like sanity. Lol

      Thank you for stopping by, have a lovely weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. My relationship status with Lagos is ‘Its Complicated’, and I give major props to peeps like you who live and thrive there, Go Gurl, Get It Gurl! And I give more props for women who drive back home. You guys are feareless! Sorry I know I should be all feminst and ish, and be like- if men can do it so can we- but driving in Lagos no be small tingaling. Well I wouldnt know as I’m too chicken to drive in Lagos buuut when I’m in the car with the driver, we miss having an accident every millisecond….I’m not surprised you got your bumper hit…hope the damage wasnt too bad! ( :

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Biki,

      😀 @ Complicated.

      You are so right, no be small tingaling. To me, the steering wheel of my car is like a curved sword in my hands when I am on the battle field that camouflages as Lagos roads.

      No, it was only a minor hit. Very few cars in Lagos are blemish-free, getting bumped is quite common. What annoys me is that all I’m given as compensation is an empty “Sorry”, like one can pay for car repairs with apologies. Lol

      Thank you for stopping by. Have a lovely weekend!


    1. Hi chic chick,

      Lol… I couldn’t have articulated this better. Yes! Lagos is home, gotta love it, warts and all. 😀

      Thank you for stopping by, best wishes for the rest of the week.


  17. …chisos chrsit of Umuaka! I loooovvveeeee it! Oh my Days chisos oH!!! this post is Madantin fun.. heheheh i loooveve it! my GOD you can write for Africa faa Nedu! Choi! Ah! Omo! ye! noo Jokes oh! you bad like that gan oh!!

    @’“Sista e don do, na ordinary car. You no be God” hehehehehehhehe lmao! my Lagos my Lagos! Without an Iota of Doubt eh! aint no City like Lagos..

    This is officially my best read all year yet! I mean DammnN!!! this is amazing to the Tee Nedu! How do you do it mbok?! Churn out such Amazingly fun posts! Choii!!! **Lifts 2 hands in the air outta respect! Nedoux for Prime Minister of Blogger Biko.. hehehe

    Blessings.. I Likkkkeeeey!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Duru,

      I always start laughing even before reading your comment properly, your kind words cheer me up. Thank you so much for the support. 🙂

      Indeed, no city like Lagos. If you manage to get by unscathed day-in, day-out, then almost nothing can faze you.

      I appreciate your visit.

      Best wishes for the rest of the week!


      1. One such mediator in a scenario like this had the nerve* to ask the culprit…. “why did you hit her baby na???? don’t you know issss her baby?* Of course i had no choice than to hiss and enter my car quietly!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  18. The way you start with “To live in Lagos” in (almost) every paragraph is just poetic. I could almost hear a saxophone playing in the background as I eased through each paragraph.

    Danfo drivers stripping down in broad daylight? Ehn? I had no idea, but then again danfo drivers are very daring.

    You’re absolutely right about not running at shouts of “Ole!” Nobody wants to end their lives set ablaze with petrol, surrounded by tires.

    From communal ownership to translucent strings from ewedu stew. How do you do it? Powerful imagery. 😀

    Helmet of Suspicion, Armor of Paranoia … Stepping into Lagos every day is a war. Abi na battle? Be prepared.

    ” … Every inch throbs with the rhythm of resilience.” It does, and this is why if you can survive in Lagos, you can survive anywhere in the world.

    What do we call this: an Ode to Lagos? Or a Collage? Or both? I loved this, and I agree with other readers: this needs to go beyond your blog. It’s beautiful, thorough and hit all the right notes.

    P.S. I love that picture with the sewing tools. Where was Sisi Clara when the others were posing for this picture, ehn? 😉 Please tell her not to dull herself next time.

    The “L” is made up of three spools of thread, and the “S” from a zip. But what about “A” “G” and “O”? Please enlighten us. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sharon,

      You know I sincerely appreciate you, right? You always give me the most deliciously detailed comments that make me smile. 🙂

      My imagination traveled with “saxophone playing in the background” and my mental ears heard the tune to a Fela song. Afro beat would be most apt as the soundtrack for a poem about Lagos, abi ? Lol

      Ah! Some days are battle-like in this Lagos o, as far as I’m concerned my steering wheel is like a curved sword in my hands when I am on the battle field that camouflages as Lagos roads.

      A bit of both I guess, an ode and a collage of the bits and pieces that fuse daily.

      XD @ Sisi Clara, I will give her your message.

      I knew you’d notice, the “A” is from buttons, the “G” is from sewing machine bobbins and the “O” is from a roll of bias tape.

      Thank you so much for your kind words.

      Best wishes for the rest of the week.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Omg!! How did I came late to this pati (party). I always love your writeup and your wordplays bringing live everlasting to the readers.
    Ha! Lasgidi of life. The only state where you can go out naked and get to your office suited up with all necessary accessories – thanks to the ever – busy- on- the -move -wide- eye- opened supermarkets and human stores.
    I love the way you portray the realities that makes up Lagos. Few months ago when I left Lagos just for two days, I wasn’t myself. It was like something died inside.

    I’m your fan o in case you dont know and I love the art you display with the sewing accessories.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Immanuel,

      Welcome to the party, I am glad that you joined.

      Your comment cracked me up!

      Very true, one can actually cook a pot of soup in traffic during the commute from work back to their home. Road side hawkers peddle everything from pots to full length mirrors to garden shears. The land of hustlers! @ On-the-move-supermarkets. XD

      Lagos has its stresses but the city grows on you, one simply learns to get on with it and just live. Or is it that after a while one adjusts and the insanity begins to seem like sanity? Lol

      Thank you so much for your kind words, have a super rest-of-the-week.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Talk about compulsory environmental baptismal of fire by the spirit of lasgidi. You just gotta catch the vibe unconsciously and display accordingly.

        Alright thanks ma. One day I do like to see you in camera though. Maybe the day is nearer than imagine sef.

        Wished you a super duper awesome lovely week too ma’am

        Liked by 1 person

  20. Hello Nedoux!!
    Haha! If anybody helps you with your car in lagos you will pay!.
    Anytime i see any thing like a man going mad as you described ,i may not go near him but my mfm side comes out, because every battle is spiritual in Nigeria.
    As always your writing is genius, I know I always say it, I feel the need to constantly remind you along with all these other good people.
    I love what you did with the sewing materials, art is in small forms.
    I love Lagos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi dear,

      Lol… You are very correct o, members of the Association of Roadside Helpers (ARH) usually ask for settlement, but at least they appear when one requires much needed help. Lagos Big Boys and Girls will not come down from their “moto” to help with the pushing.

      I laughed so hard at “every battle is spiritual in Nigeria”. Tonye you are hilarious! XD

      Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind words, your comment really cheered me up.

      Best wishes for the rest of the week.


    1. Hi Christy,

      Thank you so much for reading

      You are right, the many nuances of Lagos engulf one’s senses at every turn. 😀

      I played a bit with the sewing notions.

      Have a great rest-of-the-week.


  21. Me I loveeee LAGOS! Its just a beautiful city regardless of all the chaos. Nedoux you’re a fantastic writer, I pray your Gift continues to make room for you. I’m considering an opportunity that would take me out of lagos to another state,and its like a dilemma, maybe I’d love it! xx thanks for this piece.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tosin,

      I love Lagos too, except when I’m drive-crawling in unbearable traffic. Lol

      Yes, there’s a bizarre beauty concealed within the flawed bits and pieces that make up this city.

      Ah! Your kind wishes put a big smile on my face, I am sincerely grateful.

      Sometimes, opportunities have a way of taking one out of their comfort zone. Who knows? You might just love it.

      Warm regards and blessings. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  22. I admire you Lagosians.

    I remember the BBC program ” Welcome to Lagos” that aired years ago. It explored the lives of people in the slum.

    Where many people saw a program that “disgraced” us because the BBC decided to leave out our mansions and posh areas, I saw a program that showed the tenacity, ingenuity and passion that Lagosians posses.

    I saw people that survived despite mounting difficulties.

    Lagos tests your resolve to the core!

    Again I admire you Lagosians.

    Welldone Nedoux. Cleverly woven piece as always..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi Rosemary,

      I really-really-really enjoyed reading your comment.

      Lol… Yes, I remember the outcry when that BBC documentary was shown, I watched it. You are absolutely right, it captured the many truths about the city, its filth and the resilience of its residents.

      A determined Lagosian will make pepper soup when life shows him pepper, and still go ahead to sell the spicy broth to hungry commuters under Isale-Eko bridge. Earning a tidy profit from what was originally supposed to have been a misfortune. 😀

      Ah! Lagos does test one’s resolve to the core. I have cried real tears driving in horrific bumper-to-bumper traffic.

      Thank you so much for reading. Best wishes for the rest of the week.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Toks,

      When I am not sitting in traffic, I love Lagos. It’s an interesting city with a reputation that precedes it.

      I feel that it’s bark is worse than it’s bite though, there are ways to cope and just get on with the rhythm of daily living. Laughter helps. 😀

      Thank you so much for reading.

      Best wishes for the rest of the week.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Bookie,

      Indeed, Typical Lagos. 😀

      Impromptu roadside courtrooms appear to settle the many daily dramas.

      Thank you so much for reading.

      Best wishes for the rest of the week.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Lol… Ah! I wondered about it too, but it really happened just like that. I guess he had a psychological disorder and something triggered it at that exact moment. Thankfully, the crowd rescued him.

      Thank you so much for reading. 🙂

      Enjoy the rest of the week.


    1. Hi Berry,

      I love Bella Naija, it is such a nice platform. Thank you so much.

      “Special” describes Lagos perfectly. It is a special blend of craziness, excitement and life. I know you rep Pitakwa. 😀

      Ah! You know how I feel about small chops, Lagos has tried for you. Lol

      Best wishes for the week.


  23. So beautifully written, Nedu.

    I am scared of Lagos!
    I tell my friends I don’t think I would survive in that city (tho that’s not true, if I have to live there I would def survive) …
    But I would rather sit from afar and listen, chuckle, laugh about the city.
    I don’t want to live in traffic or travel miles to go visit or for an event.
    There are events and places and other tempting stuff that make me wish I stay there sometimes. But those moments never last long.
    Thanks for sharing about your Lagos..

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Tamie,

      Lol @ scared.

      Most people have love-hate feelings for Lagos, the city is best consumed with small bites and washed down with optimism. Yes, it’s nicer to sit from afar and chuckle about its palava.

      It’s funny how whenever I travel out of Lagos, I then realise how chaos starts to seem so normal once you get used to it. 😀

      Ah! The traffic is the worst bit, what should be a simple 20 minutes commute can become extended to 3 hours at the drop of a hat. Lagos is fun though.

      Thank you so much for reading.

      Best wishes for the week.

      Liked by 1 person

  24. Oh the cover photo is so creative and fun! Loving it.

    And yeah, I do remember reading part of this post a while ago, but your writing is beautiful, a feast for sore eyes that I revel in reading your posts over and over.

    Happy New month, lady!

    PS. where is the WordPress love button??!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Cara,

      Thank you so much, I played with the sewing notions. 🙂

      Your comment to that other post actually motivated me to write about my Lagos tales, and so I decided to extend the bit I that wrote previously. Thank you.

      I wish you blessings and peace this New Month!


  25. What excelling writing, Ms. N: you invoke Lagos so well and so detailed that I feel like one of the crowd that ran out to see how I could mediate that fender bender between you and the other driver. (In reality, I woud have required the mediating.) Well-done, as usual. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Lady MM,

      Lagos takes over one’s senses, it’s like drama is mixed in the air that we breathe. I love the sense of community, everyone is watching and listening.

      I am certain that there is a Secret Committee of Roadside Mediators (SCRM). I have no concrete proof yet, but I just know it. Ah! The way they appear from thin air is like magic. 😀

      Thank you so much for reading.

      Best wishes for the rest of the week.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Adaeze,

      Thank you so much for reading, you shook me out of my laziness.

      The stories of Lagos begin to write themselves the moment one steps of their front door. It’s rather entertaining to observe the drama that unfolds daily, once you get past the annoyance that traffic brings. 😀

      Enjoy the rest of the week.

      Liked by 1 person

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