Private Jets and whatnot

So, someone I know gave me gist of her conversation with a someone she knows, and it went thus:

My someone: I am traveling tomorrow o

Her someone: PJ ?

My someone: *blank confused stare*

Her someone: (ever so casually) Private Jet

My someone: (amused laugh) ah no, commercial

Who’d have thought that private jets would become so mainstream in certain circles, considering the harsh economic realities in Nigeria (ignore the gasp-inducing outlier that is the senators’ salaries)?.

Perhaps, it provides room for the less fortunate to be inspired and to aspire to be whatever it is that affords one the PJ life, but the wide income gap is rather disheartening.


My “must-not -blink” face

Well, I made a lovely new dress and I flew commercial with Burda Air :-D.  It was my first time purchasing a commercial pattern as I’d always been concerned that the sizing would not suit my body frame.  I did not see the point of spending time adjusting the pattern to fit perfectly, might as well draft one from scratch!

But this one was great, I selected a size with bust-waist-hip dimensions that were close enough to my own measurements.

Description -Raglan sleeved dress with panels and cargo pockets.

Assembled, taped and trimmed

The Burda Cargo pocket dress pattern was pretty easy to assemble,  it was fun in a “one plus one equals two” sort of way.  The instructions were in a clear, connect the dots format.  I printed out the pdf pages, joined them with sticky paper tape and cut out my size.

Reinforced with brown paper

Reinforced by gluing to brown paper

Shell and Lining

I chose to sew a “wearable toile” to test-drive the pattern and I used a cheap but nice-looking synthetic silk fabric and cotton lining. Red is always so eye-catching.

Arranged on the fabric

Arranged on the fabric

Traced with washable crayon

Traced with washable crayon

Sew time!

Sew time!

Before attaching sleeves

Before attaching the sleeves



The sewing process was pretty easy too, the only thing I was concerned about was ensuring that the panels were perfectly aligned.  So, I used my tried and tested technique by first arranging and then pinning the adjoining bodice and skirt panel seams at the “meeting points” before sewing.

 Fully lined | Lace hem tape at the hemline | Bias bound sleeve edge

Fully lined | Lace hem tape at the hemline | Bias bound sleeve edge

To finish the sleeve edge, I hemmed using double fold bias binding which I cut from the shell fabric, and stitched in the ditch.  I used black lace hem tape at the hemline and blind stitched by hand, the scallops are very pretty 🙂

Leather piping at the front shoulders

Leather piping at the front shoulder

I made mine without the pockets and at the front shoulder seams, I added black piping for some contrast, which was made using some cotton twine and the faux leather that I bought at Tejuosho Market .  I also shortened the sleeves by 6.5 inches.

Pattern verdict:  I had a smooth flight!


EOI:  Ah! If you are interested, a governor is currently shopping for buyers of the state-owned Bombardier Challenger 604 Private Jet, purchased for $45 million in 2012, to relieve him of the burden of maintaining it.

UPDATE TO POST:  In response to both Timi and Skinny Efik Girl’s humorous comments about how the slang “PJ” has traditionally been associated with pyjamas, which is how I, myself have always used it, I shall now proceed to explain the differentiating phonology for the benefit of others.

Yes, this is a “Public Service Announcement”, and I might or might not have had my tongue-in-my-cheek whilst typing 😉

PEE.Jay: (Pyjamas) – Emphasis is on the Pee. You would recall that people either pee in their pyjamas, in the case of children, or get out of bed to pee while wearing said pyjamas.

Pee.JAY: (Private Jet)- Emphasis is on the Jay as in JET. You could even add flying sounds for special effect e.g.- “Whoosh!”




~About me~



  1. Hey Nedu! Until another post comes I am in Backtrack land, first of all that dress is great for this season: all red and festivilious! As for the PJ ting, nawaaaaO, but its a question I’m going to have to ask this Season with everyone flying for family and whatnots, and I cant WAIT to get that blank stare, before I break it down for them gleefully! Have a gd wkend hon! ( :

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lady!

      Thank you so much for reading, You’ve reminded me to blog more consistently. Lol

      You always crack me up! Yes o, there will be lots of flying about this holiday season, so the opportunity to pop that particular question will present itself more than once. Try to keep a straight face while asking. XD

      Have a wonderful rest-of-the-week!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Onyee,

      Commercial patterns really make the sewing process easier, which is a huge plus. The main minus is the sizing.

      Welcome back to blogville! 😀


  2. About the sewing aspects- I have new things to learn. Thanks. I do not mean that sarcastically. About the other- private jets commonplace? I don’t think so. General observation- you definitely like midi dresses and skirts. Rock you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am still learning new sewing techniques, thank God for Google, I have typed a gazillion “how to…s” into the search box 😀

      It’s definitely not commonplace at all, but seemingly so in certain circles.

      Lol, Yes! You are absolutely right! I’m a little obsessed with the midi silhouette, I quite like how it exudes “demure, lady-like and grown-up” chic.

      I sure will, thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Private jet now has an acronym? What is going to happen to PJ for pyjamas? lol..

    I like your writing. Lovely red dress. You made sewing it seem so easy. Now I want to learn. With your help of course!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear SEG, lemme explain the phonology of it all.

      PEEJay: Pyjamas – Emphasis is on the Pee. You would recall that people either pee in their pyjamas, in the case of children, or get out of bed to pee while wearing said pyjamas.

      PeeJAY: Private Jet- Emphasis is on the Jay as in JET. You may even add flying sounds for effect e.g.- “Whoosh!”

      Lol, Don’t mind me o, I am so glad you stopped by. I like your blog.

      Thank you so much! Yes, sewing is very learnable, I am working on putting up a ‘tutorials’ page on my blog 😀


  4. I love the dress. I’m glad you opted to do without the pockets. Red is your color it looks lovely on you. The hem lace detail is pure elegance. One day I will give it a try…..I just despise hand sewing. 😕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lady,

      Thank you so much. Yes, the pockets would have made it seem rather casual.

      Very elegant indeed, if I had my way, I’d wear this dress inside out, just to show off the lace 😀

      Lol, I know what you mean, the hem tape charmed me with her beauty and I forgot how boring hand stitching can sometimes be.

      I am glad you stopped by!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Timi,

      Abi? Really lovely shade, thank you.

      A new day, a new lingo learned 😀 . Yes, reminds me of boarding school, we called our pyjamas – “peejays” too.

      Enjoy the rest of the day!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. My friend used to work for a PJ airline and somehow thought I’d be the one to ask to use their services. After I laughed at her, I decided to humor her a little and ask how much it cost, and she told me $1000/hour – and you have to pay round trip, regardless of if you’re coming back with it. I wasn’t sure whether to turn the laughter to crying.

    Cute dress too, and the pattern looks easy and very doable.

    Berry Dakara Blog

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey Berry,

      Your comment cracked me up o 😀

      Thank you. Yes, doable indeed. Commercial patterns add ease to the sewing process, the only downside is the sizings.

      I’ve come to realise that two women could both be a shop size 8 but still have different bust-waist- hip and torso length measurements.

      Have a lovely week.


    1. Hello Fola,

      Your comment made me feel warm and fuzzy, I’m still smiling. Thank you so much 😀

      I am working on putting up a tutorials page soon to describe the techniques of dressmaking even better. DIY sewing is very learnable.

      Yes, the piping and lace hem add detailing to an otherwise plain dress.


  6. Lol PJ. I stumbled upon a post on Instagram some days back of some big girls in Lagos who’ve got their own (entrepreneurs) walking into a PJ.
    God will do it my dear lol.

    Each time I see a post from you I feel I owe my sewing machine an apology or something 😦

    You did good and I like how it wasn’t super tight, a little bit alté, leaning to a shift dress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol, I am very inspired, but still surprised by the “tale of 2 cities”- ness of it all.

      *in your sewing machine’s voice* “Bookie, USE ME!”

      Thank you, I love how comfy the fit is, no need to suck belle to make the shirt fine 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I will use her oh (I even gave it a name but now I’ve forgotten lol).
        When I’m ready and willing, will you be kind enough to tutor me on the pattern drafting? I can only remember how to cut pencil/a-line/flare/pleated skirts. 😀 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Lol @ “I even gave it a name but now I’ve forgotten”. I named my first sewing machine “Sisi Clara”.

          Of course, I will be more than happy to tutor you 😀 I’ll also recommend books and online tutorials that have helped me tremendously.

          I am working on putting up a “How to…” page on my blog.

          Have a lovely week!


  7. Wow, you have a talent young lady. And you are very pretty too. And by the way, come to England and PJs will not be that irritating. The homes Nigerians own will do that for you.

    Enjoy your evening x

    Liked by 1 person

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